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Tax returns HRBlock delay

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Income tax rates have only been increased for high income earners of $400-$450K to a new top tax rate of 39.5%.

By Jennifer (37 words)
Posted in Blog on September 03, 2013

There are (1) comments permalink

Income tax rates have only been increased for high income earners of $400-$450K to a new top tax rate of 39.5%.

Check this site for additional results from the deal following the fiscal cliff crisis - http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-01-10/fiscal-cliff-deal-plus-obamacare-equals-higher-taxes-on-the-rich

Comments (1)

Leon A. Elwell posted on: May 9, 2018

BAS is a Public Accounting Firm that has been providing excellence in servicing the accounting, payroll, and tax needs of businesses.

BAS is a Public Accounting Firm that has been providing excellence in servicing the accounting, payroll, and tax needs of businesses.

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